Advanced Uninstaller PRO is a multifunctional software to uninstall applications from your hard drive, and perform many other tasks related to the management of all web browsers, as well as cleaning and repairing the registry, as well as other elements forming part of the operating system.
The most important element of the program is the module for managing and complete uninstall individual applications. the module displays the full list of installed programs and their exact date of installation and architecture (32 or 64-bit). Advanced Uninstaller PRO is equipped with an additional function of monitoring all the changes taking place after installing a new application.
Advanced Uninstaller PRO when you uninstall any the application performs a thorough analysis and not only removes the files and directories associated with the application, but also entries and keys in the registry. in addition, manages all the processes acting in the background of the system, and also has a user-friendly manager to manage active and disabled system services.
the also includes a built-in modules for monitoring and management control panel, start menu and installed fonts in the operating system. Detects and removes duplicate files, compresses the data, and also repairs, cleans and optimizes the entire system registry. Members also receive access to additional tools designed to clean and manage the various elements associated with web browsers. With their help, we will delete browsing history, cookies and temporary directories wyczyścimy. "
The most important element of the program is the module for managing and complete uninstall individual applications. the module displays the full list of installed programs and their exact date of installation and architecture (32 or 64-bit). Advanced Uninstaller PRO is equipped with an additional function of monitoring all the changes taking place after installing a new application.
Advanced Uninstaller PRO when you uninstall any the application performs a thorough analysis and not only removes the files and directories associated with the application, but also entries and keys in the registry. in addition, manages all the processes acting in the background of the system, and also has a user-friendly manager to manage active and disabled system services.
the also includes a built-in modules for monitoring and management control panel, start menu and installed fonts in the operating system. Detects and removes duplicate files, compresses the data, and also repairs, cleans and optimizes the entire system registry. Members also receive access to additional tools designed to clean and manage the various elements associated with web browsers. With their help, we will delete browsing history, cookies and temporary directories wyczyścimy. "
File Name: Advanced Uninstaller PRO 12.15 (x32/x64) + Patch.Zip |
File Size: 9 MB |
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